DIY · Knitting

The best knitted dishclothes! 

I recently re-taught myself how to knit. Years and years ago my grandmother taught me, but I was young and didn’t have the patience. That wonderful woman recently passed, and it made me want to pick up her favorite hobby again. She was known for knitting boxes of towels and dish clothes when anyone in the family was getting married, so my first job was to learn these necessities. While I couldn’t find my grandmother’s patterns (she probably had them memorized, anyway), I scoured the internet and found this:

Kitchen Dishcloth ~ Noni’s Favorite Pattern

I picked up a variety of the Lily Sugar ‘n Cream cotton yarn from my local Michael’s and a pair of U.S. size 7 knitting needles and got to work! The pattern creates this great texture, which is going to be really good to scrub dishes with! And the best part, all you need to know how to do is knit and purl!


CO 38 stitches
Row 1(RS):  Knit.
Row 2(WS): K2, purl to last 2 sts, k2.
Row 3:  K2, (k1, p2) x11, k3.
Row 4: K2, (p1, k2) x12.

Repeat rows 1 – 4  until piece measures 8½” from CO edge ending with row 4.
Weave in your ends.
Block and colorfast.

I can’t wait to whip up some more of these and start giving them away!

I hope you learned something cool today. Thanks for looking!

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